时间: 2024-09-09 12:06:58
[jì zhàng]

keep accounts phr.记账

account for vphr.占…(数量/比例);构成;解释;说明;导致;对(行动、政策等)负责;清算;将(钱款)列入(预算);作出满意说明;提供;解决

  • 我得上教堂;要记得多说“谢谢”。诸如此类。但我得记账

    I gotta go to church; remember to say "thank you" more often. Something. But I gotta take the tally.

  • 每天记账,修整花园,让那些对我们而言重要的东西保持良好的状态。

    Take that daily tally, tend our garden, keep the things that are important to us in good shape.

  • 账本更换将自动记账.

    A replacement Book will be reordered automatically.

  • 记账和税务会计服务。

    Bookkeeping and tax accounting services.

  • 这是信用卡,请记账吧。

    Here's my credit card, just bill me.

  • 采取复式记账系统会更合理.

    It would make more sense to adopt a double entry bookkeeping system.

  • 因此,省钱是从记账开始的。

    Therefore, to save money from the account of the beginning.

  • 报销费用检查、控制和记账

    Expense reimbursement check, control and bookkeeping.

  • 我们讨论的是会计记账,查理。

    We are just talking about accounting, Charlie.

  • 那个员工记账迅速且不出差错.

    The clerk expedited his accounting work without any mistake.