时间: 2024-09-08 18:50:40

treasure n.财宝;宝藏;珍宝;宝物;财富;珍品;心爱之物;珍视的人;宝贝

delicacy n.美味;佳肴;精致;细腻;雅致;微妙;敏感;细微之处;脆弱;娇嫩

rare adj.稀有的;罕见的;珍贵的;不常发生的;稀薄的(空气等);半熟的;半生的;做得嫩的;内部略带血色的

fine adj.好的;(表示满意)很好;不错;令人满意的;美好的;健康的;优良的;高品质的;精细的;精密的;精致的;漂亮的;好看的;晴朗的;细小的;细长的;纯的;纯净的;高雅的;可接受的;小颗粒制成的;难以看出的

valuable adj.贵重的;宝贵的;珍贵的;有用的;重要的;非常有用的;非常重要的;有益的;价值高的;昂贵的;很值钱的

precious adj.贵重的;珍贵的;宝贵的;受珍爱的;心爱的;(表示气愤)宝贝似的;珍稀的;道貌岸然的

  • 而重之的字句,优美动人。

    Words had been treasured, words that were beautiful.

  • 这非常光荣的经验,我将会而重之地与人分享当中的荣耀与激动。

    It is a great personal honour for me and it will be an experience that I can treasure and tell people about to share the honour and excitement.

  • 蜂箱内所有物中最昂贵的东西要数蜂王浆了.

    Most expensive of all the treasures in a beehive is royal jelly.

  • 你能帮我给捎个口信吗?

    Could you give Jen a message from me, please?

  • 当汤姆向求婚时,非常惊讶。

    Jen was surprised when Tom asked for her hand in marriage.

  • 我明白你的意思,

    I knew what you meant, Jen.

  • 玛丽给寄了一封信。

    Mary sent Jane a letter.

  • 从小酷爱户外活动。

    Jane loved being outdoors.

  • 模仿布谷鸟的叫声。

    Jane imitates the cuckoo .

  • 是个蓝眼睛的女子。

    Jen is blue-eyed girl.